A Woman´s Emotional Needs:
Book plus audio

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Prayer That Changes Attitudes

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Spice it Up
Do you long to recapture that love and fascination you had with your Sweetheart in the past – before the realities of living changed the flow of life? If your special moments together have become yawners or have been reduced to raw sex, it’s time to rekindle the fire that burns longer.
SPICE IT UP!! 100 + 1 HOT, life-changing dates.
You’ll fall in love all over again.
Sizzling, getting-back-to-basics fun to heat up your love relationship. SUCH AS...
- Paddling down a glassy river in canoes. Delighting in God’s nature.
- Inner peace overtaking you as you hold hands. Watching a sunset. Praying.
- Cooking a gourmet meal from tasty treats you find at a Farmers’ Market.
- Enjoying being a kid again. Playing a variety of games – just the two of you.
- Invigorating each other and your love with a Musical Massage.
- Tapping and twinkling your toes as you learn Ballroom Dancing.
- Using magical moments riding mules into the Grand Canyon.
- Priding yourselves in making love, not just in having sex.
* You’ll read of practical ways to get the most out of each date.
* Each date we suggest is bursting with stories that will make you laugh, dream and, perhaps, cry, as the Hardistys share their own real-life experiences.
* You’ll discover that fun and romance can be no-cost, inexpensive, moderately expensive or costly. These dates work with your budget.
Everlasting Love
A best selling book that has revitalized thousands of marriages and relationships.
Everlasting Love
Enrich Your Marriage! Keep Love Vibrant!
IT’S YOUR TURN! What bothers you the most about your love relationship? What can you do to turn a blah marriage into a sizzling one? Where can you turn for answers to some of your most frustrating problems? Here is vital material that will help your relationship become one of deep love rather than an enduring trial of resentment, tension or boredom.
Hundreds of practical questions have been asked of George and Margaret Hardisty by men and women from around the world who have attended their seminars, written letters, spoken to them by phone or counseled with them in person. Everlasting Love contains their answers to many of them, such as:
- How can I get my wife/husband back?
- He/she had an affair. How can I forgive?
- The children are dividing us. What can we do?
- I’m totally turned off . He repulses me. Help!
- My wife won’t cook, clean or give me attention. What now?
- Why won’t my husband talk with me?
- Interfering in-laws. Should we move away?
An International bestseller with over Half a Million copies in print
Forever My Love
For Men who want more Love, Respect and Pleasure from their wives
This inspiring best seller has revitalized thousands of marriages and has been translated into 8 different languages.
Margaret Hardisty knows what a woman longs for and desires from her man and the pleasure she will give him in return. Forever My Love has recharged, and made delightful, thousands of love relationships between husbands and wives.
I have personally recommended your book for many years.
I consider it to be timeless, easy to read with practical
suggestions. My patients have told me they finally understood
what a marriage relationship was and how to make theirs better...
How could a book be more helpful.
Dean Haddock, Psychologist. President of the
Clinical Division of The California State Psychological
A Woman’s Emotional Needs
Your longings and desires fulfilled!
With sensitive and gifted insight, best-selling author Margaret Hardisty shares ways to accomplish positive changes in the actions and attitudes of your husband – and have him thank you for it.
Life Can Be Great
How to Learn It, Love It, Live It and Create an Abundance of Joy
Frustrated – Anxious – Fearful?
Know someone who is?
Tired of how it is impacting your life?
This book can change all that.
You will learn how to...
• Gain STRENGTH from the trials you are in
• Turn sorrow into JOY
• See problems as OPPORTUNITIES
• Discover the BENEFIT to every negative situation
• Build CONFIDENCE out of setbacks
• Turn fear into ASSURANCE
• Watch tears change to PEACE
• Understand unanswered PRAYERS
The truth in this book will make you a better: Husband, Wife, Employee, Friend, Parent, Son or Daughter
Prayer That Changes Attitudes
Eula Allred was born into a devoutly Mormon family on June 8th, 1922. It’s uncertain as to when she became born again, but the difference in her life was evident from an early age. As a young child she felt a closeness to Jesus Christ that went beyond Mormon teaching. Later, that got her in some trouble when she taught Sunday school directly from the New Testament instead of the Mormon church-approved lesson plan. In 1965 she moved with her family from Utah to the San Francisco Bay Area to attend the Pacific School Of Religion, where she graduated with a Masters degree in Divinity. She and her husband, Edgar, formally left the Mormon church and joined the Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church in 1970. Eula’s passion for the Word of God and prayer, and her love for people, have made her beloved by all who know her.
A Woman’s Emotional Needs
Your longings and desires fulfilled!
With sensitive and gifted insight, best-selling author Margaret Hardisty shares ways to accomplish positive changes in the actions and attitudes of your husband – and have him thank you for it.