I have used your books to help others in the military have stronger marriages and families, taking the biblical principles and sharing them with couples in premarital and marriage counseling over 22 years in the United States Air Force Chaplaincy.
James D. Rozman
USAF Chaplain (Ret)Teacher, School Administrator
San Jose, CA
I left my wife and two kids in India when I came to the United States on a ship. I was confused, tired and unhappy. God brought into my life the Hardistys who showed me how to love my wife and family in the right way. I straightened out my life, brought my family here, built my business and then started a church in India. If you need a better marriage or a change in your life, read their books and listen to their counsel. They will help you as they helped me.
Balbir Singh
Owner, Walnut Creek Landscaping Co.
Walnut Creek, California
Brant and I were so grateful that we stumbled upon Vance and Julie just before we got married. They gave us premarital counseling and then led a marriage group with us for over a year. Their encouragement and practical advice were so helpful to grounding our marriage on positive foundations.
Paula Wong
Ingenious Learning Center
Concord, CA
Since I was raised to conceive a woman's enjoyment of sex as shameful and disgusting, yet normal for the husband, Margaret Hardisty's book, "Forever My Love," was a primary stepping stone on the road to my psychological recovery. She even took the time from her busy schedule to personally meet with my husband, Bill, and I, refusing to accept any compensation. That's because she genuinely cares about marriages and doesn''t just want to help them to survive, but to THRIVE--and she does! The advice she gives is timeless...we have spent 30+ years following Margaret's pearls of wisdom and our marriage is stronger than ever.
Connie Catalfio,
Wife, Mother, Author,
Grosse Point Woods, Michigan
Over the years, my husband had been rude and unkind, but one day it seemed especially hard. Do you remember, Margaret? You said to me, “You don’t love your husband, Connie. If you did you would do what is best for him. And it isn’t best for him if you let him treat you badly.” That gave me insight and courage.
Shortly after, I showed my favorite teacup to my husband, “This teacup was broken, but even though it was mended, it still has a crack in it. I feel broken just like this cup because of the way you treat me.” To my amazement, he went to his knees to ask me to forgive him. Later, I handed him a copy of Forever My Love. What a change there has been in his attitude toward me! Instead of a miserable existence with the man I love, I now have a wonderful one.
Connie Fray
Concord, California
I have personally recommended your book [Forever My Love] for many years. I consider it to be timeless, easy to read with practical suggestions. My patients have told me they finally understood what a marriage relationship was, how to make theirs better.... How could a book be more helpful?
Dean Haddock,
Psy.D, psychologist, Executive Director
of Community Counseling and Psychological Services
Bakersfield, California.
When I came across your book Forever My Love it really hit home. I have two divorces behind me, not realizing there actually are people who work on their relationships. That’s where I failed miserably. That makes me sad because my first husband is the father of my children. Forever My Love gives a game plan about how to deal with the differences between men and women. I can hardly wait to get all of your information online, in books, wherever it is. I’m very hungry.
Andee Wise
Legal Secretary
Pleasant Hill, CA
Margaret Hardisty is a gifted writer that can bring help and hope where it is so desperately needed today—our marriages. Her engaging style will make it easy to focus on the gems of insight you’ll find and their rewarding application!
Kathy Narramore
Staff Associate
Narramore Christian Foundation
Arcadia, CA
As I read Forever My Love I saw my wife was a more tender plant than I am. I’m like Sagebrush and she’s like an orchid. She had to come up against this sagebrush and it hurt her. I criticized her a lot because I wanted to help her; but it crushed her. She doesn’t care how good a truck driver I am, either. She just wants a loving husband. Another thing: now I listen to her. Really listen. I see now as I observe other men that if a man does just little things that please his wife, he can have her eating out of his hand.
Kelly Fray
Truck Owner and Operator
Concord, California
When you gave your marriage seminar in Concordia, it had a positive impact on the lives of the people who attended. All of your appearances in Concordia were written up in our newspaper. Your books both evidence deep spirituality that profoundly helps readers in practical ways and into the deepest reaches of the soul and spirit. You are a beautiful couple.
Ken Peery
Attorney and Author of Desires of My Heart
Men appear to be clueless in a relationship. Margaret presents us women readers with Keys for unlocking those emotions lacking in a marriage. Lack of empathy, lack of communication, and lack of respect. Finally, the most important key is one that locks instead of opening. The final key is to lock up Blame. Thank you Margaret for handing us the Keys.
Doris Peery
Author of Town Between Two Rivers
Topeka, Kansas
We were fighting, bitter and angry and finally separated. My husband went to live with friends. I was pregnant and we had two kids under 5. You shared godly wisdom with us, prayed for us, and stood your ground on what you believed was the right thing for us to do as a couple. God healed our marriage and we are back together and more in love than ever before! Vance and Julie have served as our mentors in life and marriage, and as a beautiful example of God's design for marriage!
Danielle Shortz
New Environment
Uvita, Costa Rica
Margaret, I wish I would have known about your books when I got married 35 years ago. They probably would have saved my husband and me a lot of problems we had to hammer out for ourselves! As you said in your book, though, it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. I plan to use many of your ideas to be a better helpmeet to my husband and also pass on some tidbits to my daughter and son-in-law.
Leslie Denning
Assist-Pro Transcription Services
Dixon, MO 65459
I have enjoyed almost 20 years of marriage and I’ve always considered that these years have been the best part of my life. When I read Love Me Always, I found myself wanting to read more. I was encouraged that my marriage can become even better. Though I’m happily married, it hasn’t always been a perfect ride and by incorporating simple tools that I have learned in Love Me Always, I can have a more dynamic marriage. This book has encouraged me to desire a superior marriage and to pursue it wholeheartedly. I am also confident that I can use these principles to encourage others in their marriages.
I am privileged to personally know George and Margaret Hardisty. The love they share together is beautiful. I was at their house when George arrived on the scene after a long day at the office and Margaret was over the kitchen sink preparing for dinner. Then, George leaned over to give Margaret a sweet kiss. This might seem incidental to many people, but what I witnessed was a couple who is deeply in love after so many years of marriage and they do not take each other for granted. Their lives mirror the principles found in their marriage books.
Lisa Wagstaffe
Keep Love Exciting & Lasting is an easy fast read, this is really a worthwhile "how to" book! Curl up with this book at bedtime till it's finished... and you'll be curling up with your partner as the reward...........!!!!
Marlene Svensson
Lincoln, Ca
Did you help in our marriage? The answer is a resounding YES! Your time, your example, and your prayer over our lives is something that I will never forget. You have left an imprint on my life for which I am so thankful!
Michelle McKnelly
Concord, CA
I am one of the most blessed people in the world to have read Margaret Hardisty’s books. I recommend all of Margaret’s books highly. Forever My Love was such a blessing to me. I was married for 59 years and she taught me a lot through her books. I just thank Margaret for all she has given me.
Pauline Turner
Business Owner
Sun Lakes, AZ
Forever My Love has been a long time reference book for me. I gave it as wedding gifts to both my sons and their new wives and now to my wonderful granddaughter and her family, It is almost as well thumbed as my bible and it has been a tremendous blessing to all three generations. Can’t wait for the next books!
Samantha Moore
Base: Fort Lauderdale, FLA
Address: Currently cruising the East Coast
I am a man, and as such, I don’t read books on relationships. We men seem to shy away from areas that might add discomfort to already difficult lives. Ironically, investing a little time to properly understand our wives can actually save us (and them) much trouble up the road. Margaret Hardisty’s “Keep Love Exciting and Lasting” provides this kind of sage advice. Her insights into the mind and temperament of the woman are invaluable. For a man, this information is like getting insider information on a stock or acquiring the other team’s playbook. I highly recommend this work. For me, the information came in handy the day after reading it.
Skip Wagstaffe
Now that my marriage is over, I see that I could have done a lot more in showing my ex-wife romance and love, focusing on being more attentive and understanding of her needs just as your books say. If I had realized that she needed a lot more from me personally, I would have tried harder.
Steve Hale
